
389th BG Crew Loss Details
Date Lost: 1-Dec-43
Serial Number: 42-40793
Aircraft Model B-24D-100-CO
Aircraft Letter: H-/P-
Aircraft Name: BLONDS AWAY
Squadron: Aircraft: 567th  Crew: 565th BS
Location: Manston, England
Cause: Crash landed at emergency field due to battle damage.
Position Rank Name Fate Hometown
Pilot 1/Lt Connors, Jack M. KIA ???
Co-Pilot 1/Lt Kercher, Maurice KIA ???
Navigator 1/Lt Mackey, Walter E. KIA ???
Bombardier 1/Lt Toles, William KIA ???
??? T/Sgt Aguayo, George KIA ???
??? S/Sgt Bell, Robert K. KIA ???
??? S/Sgt Hollowell, Robert M. KIA ???
??? S/Sgt Wywras, Leonard E. KIA ???
??? S/Sgt Weaver, Richard W. KIA ???
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